Remove Unsightly Spider Veins
With Laser Therapy in Indianapolis, IN

Millions of women and men are bothered by unsightly spider veins on their faces and legs. Spider veins, or telangiectasias, are small red, blue and purple blood vessels that appear most frequently on the face and thighs.

Spider veins should not be confused with varicose veins as varicose veins are a serious vein disorder. Spider veins are harmless but many people are bothered by the appearance of these veins.

At Chernoff Cosmetic Surgery in Indianapolis, IN, Dr. Greg Chernoff uses laser therapy to improve vascular lesions including, spider veins, spider angioma, port wine stains, hemangioma, and small broken veins on the face and body.

Dr. Chernoff and his team of experts have multiple options to treat spider veins on the face and body including:

During your consultation, your skin, severity of veins, and other factors will be discussed. In some cases, we may recommend a combination of treatments to achieve the best results with the least number of treatments. A detailed treatment plan and cost will be recommended.

What Are Spider Veins?

Spider veins are more common in women than men and are concentrated on the face and legs. While the reasons more women get spider veins aren’t completely understood, we do know that they are related to pregnancy, hormone change, and weight gain and they are sometimes genetic. They tend to become more numerous and prominent with age and are common among people over thirty and pregnant women.

During your consultation with Dr. Chernoff, your medical history will be reviewed to determine how long you’ve had a problem with your veins and the severity of the problem. The determination of your skin type and knowledge of any prior surgery or treatment on your veins will be necessary. A test may be performed to determine if there is any underlying venous problem. If detected, further testing may be advised prior to laser vein therapy

Prior to any treatment or procedure, Dr. Chernoff or one of our trained and certified Health Care Providers determine if you are a candidate, review the risks and benefits, and provide all possible treatment alternatives.


What Is Laser Spider Vein Treatment?

Today’s advanced medical lasers provide safe and effective non-surgical treatment options for the removal of spider veins and some varicose veins. The lasers used at Chernoff Cosmetic Surgery in Indianapolis, IN, allow the delivery of a precise dosage of energy to each blood vessel.

During treatment, light energy is delivered through a small laser handpiece to a targeted vein, in a series of brief pulses. The light energy is absorbed by the lining of the blood vessels and the blood within the blood vessels, but not the surrounding tissue. The heat absorption causes a coagulation of the blood vessel, which is subsequently absorbed by your body.

The blood vessels that are best treated with the laser are those that are 1-3 millimeters in diameter. No anesthetic is required for this treatment. The laser has a specialized chilled handpiece that acts to cool the surface of the skin while the energy or light from the laser penetrates to the depth of the blood vessel. Pulses of light energy are then delivered along the length of the blood vessel, with the larger veins first. The light energy causes the blood within the vein to coagulate, eventually destroying the vessels.

Most spider vein patients describe moderate discomfort. It is usually described as a mild burning sensation when light energy is applied to the blood vessels.

What Results Can You Expect After Spider Veins Laser Treatment?

The majority of the treated spider vein blood vessels will be gone within 2-3 treatments. The treatments can be spaced 4-6 weeks apart. If new veins appear, additional treatments are required for optimum results. The treatments may be in 3-4-week intervals.

Following treatment, depending upon the severity of the blood vessels, patients may be required to wear a support hose to keep pressure on the veins. Bruises around the treated areas usually disappear after the first week. A tan or brownish pigment may persist for a few weeks when larger vessels are involved. While each vein may require several pulses from the laser, most will disappear within 2-6 weeks.

Patients are encouraged to resume most normal activities immediately. Final results may not be apparent for several months. Most patients enjoy the comfort and the look of the legs without unsightly red, blue and purple veins in a short period of time.