Dysport vs BOTOX: Is There a Difference?

BOTOX® is the name that most likely comes to mind when you think of injectable wrinkle reduction. It’s been used consistently for years and tends to be the go-to for people who wish to return to the smooth, glowing skin of their youth. However, there’s a somewhat newer treatment on the market that has given BOTOX® some competition, and that competitor is Dysport®. You may have heard of it and wonder if there is a difference between the two. So when it comes down to Dysport® vs BOTOX®, which is better for you? In order to come to a decision, we encourage you to learn about each procedure along with their benefits and drawbacks.
BOTOX® and Dysport® Similarities
BOTOX® is manufactured by a company called Allergan and has been in use for cosmetic as well as medical purposes for about 20 years in the United States. Dysport®, by Medicis, was more recently approved in 2009 by the FDA here in the United States, but it’s been used in Europe for quite some time. Both use the same substance to relax the facial muscles that lead to wrinkles. Both treatments have shown to be safe and effective through clinical trials and use, here in the United States and in Europe.
These treatments are known primarily for reducing facial lines and wrinkles. Maintenance treatments are necessary for both, on average, every three to six months. Finally, they both offer rather similar results and potential side effects.
Differences Between BOTOX® and Dysport®
The difference between these two wrinkle reducers are really quite small, though some may influence your decision. For example, it may be important in your situation to know that Dysport® tends to spread to a wider treatment area than BOTOX®. This could be a benefit or a disadvantage, depending on your needs. Because of the chemical makeup, you likely will require more of the medicine in Dysport® to accomplish the same results of BOTOX®. Those looking for faster results for a special occasion or life event may wish to consider Dysport®, as it has shown to have an onset of between two to five days, as opposed to the four to seven days of BOTOX®. On the other hand, there seems to be some debate, but Dysport® is said not to last as long as BOTOX®.
Dysport® vs BOTOX®: Delivery is Key
Ultimately, the most important thing is the expertise and care in which your procedure is performed. Taking time to talk to our physician and to feel comfortable you are in good hands will likely ensure you receive positive results.
When deciding between Dysport® vs BOTOX®, it’s important to take the advice of the experts at Chernoff Cosmetic Surgery into consideration. These treatments are quite similar, though your particular situation may lend itself to one over the other. Both are quite effective in treating the signs of aging and helping patients to restore smooth, youthful-appearing skin. We have offices in Beverly Hills, Newport Beach, Indianapolis and Indianapolis. Contact us today to schedule your consultation.

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