Facelift FAQ: What to Expect

A facelift is a plastic surgery procedure that can help you feel more confident in your appearance and help you achieve your desired appearance. During this procedure, our plastic surgeon will make small adjustments to your facial skin and structure to tighten up your cheeks and jawline. The result is a natural beauty that helps you be your best, most beautiful self. Chernoff Cosmetic Surgery offers this surgery to patients in Indianapolis and Indianapolis, California. If you’re interested in facelift surgery, give us a call today to learn more about our services. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions and answers about facelift surgery.
Will the Final Result Be Natural-Looking?
A common concern that many patients have is that their surgery won’t look natural once it is healed. A skilled plastic surgeon will ensure that the final results look naturally beautiful. During your initial consultation, you’ll discuss your desired results with your surgeon, and they will develop a surgery plan to ensure that you get the results you want.
How Much Time Off Will I Need?
The recovery time is another common concern that many people have before they undergo this procedure. While the recovery time varies slightly based on the individual procedure, in general, you can expect to feel mostly recovered within two weeks. The healing process then continues for another few months, at which point you will be able to see the final results. You’ll likely need to take about two weeks away from your normal routine, but some people need less time and some people need more.
What Kind of Facelift Do I Need?
There are a few different types of facelifts you can choose from. Traditionally, facelifts have focused on either the bottom third of the face and chin, or the cheek area. You can also opt for a necklift, which focuses on your jawline. The specific procedure that you choose will depend on your personal preferences and the final results that you want.
If you want to subtly enhance your face and boost your confidence, a facelift is an excellent way to do so. A skilled surgeon will create a customized surgery plan for you to help you achieve your desired results and heal quickly. Contact Chernoff Cosmetic Surgery today to schedule your consultation! We have offices in Indianapolis, IN, as well as Beverly Hills, Indianapolis, and Newport Beach, CA.

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