Frequently Asked Questions About Neck Lift Procedures

As you age, many things can start to change in regards to your appearance. Skin loses its elasticity and skin can begin to sag. This includes the face and neck. Some often say that there are two specific parts of your body that will almost always give your age away — the neck and the hands. Neck lift surgery is gaining immense popularity in recent times.
If you have loose muscles on your neck, this surgery can help smooth your skin and tighten those muscles, giving you a toned and younger appearance. If you’ve been considering having a neck lift, it is important to know what the procedure can specifically do for you. You can contact Chernoff Cosmetic Surgery and get all the answers to your questions.

What is Neck Lift Surgery?

This procedure reduces the look of loose, sagging skin in your neck and the area under the jawline. This surgery is very effective to treat turkey waddle, jowls, neck banding, fleshy and sagging neck and excess fat under the chin and the neck area.

At What Age Can It Be Performed?

You can have this surgery performed at almost any age. However, patients between 30 and 70 years of age opt for the procedure the most.

What Does the Preparation Involve?

In your first consultation appointment for this surgery, you will discuss your cosmetic goals with our doctor and the changes you want. Our surgeon will examine you thoroughly as a candidate for a neck lift and explain what this surgery can do for you.
A neck lift is usually a straightforward procedure. Our team will make sure to explain everything to you in detail during a consultation.

How Soon Will I Be Able to See the Results?

You can see the results within the weeks following the neck lift procedure after you have fully recovered.

Are the Results Permanent?

You will most likely enjoy the results for several years if you are careful about weight gain, which could cause sagging and neck fullness. With that being said, a neck lift will not stop the natural aging process.
For more information about getting a neck lift, contact the experts at Chernoff Cosmetic Surgery. We are happy to answer any questions that you have about this procedure and what to expect. Call us today to schedule your initial consultation at our office in Indianapolis, Beverly Hills, or Newport Beach.

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