Mature adults in Indianapolis often notice sagging, wrinkling, and brittle texture on the skin of the upper neck. This can be corrected in the same manner by which a facelift procedure improves the appearance of the lower face. The neck skin is actually lifted and reattached during a neck lift procedure. This significantly corrects rippled skin, horizontal bands, and even the dreaded turkey wattle.
A neck lift won’t necessarily improve the skin tone, but it will help to restore more youthful contours along the jawline and on the surface below the jaw. Results are generally long-lasting. We can help you determine whether you are a suitable candidate for this popular, minimally-invasive procedure. The results are generally very predictable, and we will give you realistic outcome expectations during your consultation with us.
What a Neck Lift Will Improve
Adults over the age of 40 begin to struggle with wrinkled bands on the upper neck, jowls below the jawline, and sags near the Adam’s apple. A neck lift in Indianapolis can treat excess fat and skin in the lower face, abnormal contours along the surface of the upper neck, and droops in neck skin caused by excess buildup of fat beneath the skin layers.
The ideal candidate will be in good overall health and will not have been diagnosed with any serious skin condition that is causing the brittleness or sagging. A neck lift doesn’t treat the skin directly, but rather repositions it to create more youthful contours.
The Procedure
The details of each procedure in Indianapolis vary depending on the situation, as well as the patient’s wants and needs. During the procedure, the skin may be lifted away from the subcutaneous tissues and excess fat may be removed along the jawline, and some muscle tissue may be repositioned as well. It all depends on the situation.
The results often last for multiple years. It takes time for the removed fat to accumulate once more, and repositioned muscle tissue will stay in place indefinitely. The visual improvement is smoother skin along the jawline and less banding along the skin surface of the upper neck. We may sometimes combine a neck lift with liposuction to improve the appearance of a turkey wattle.
Learn More About Your Candidacy
This is actually a simple procedure even though surgery is involved. You can take years off your appearance and enjoy long-lasting positive results with a neck lift procedure at Chernoff Cosmetic Surgery. We have offices in Indianapolis, Newport Beach, Beverly Hills, and Indianapolis. Contact us today to schedule a consultation!
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