Mesotherapy is a non-surgical weight-loss technique that was developed in France in the 1950s. It is used mainly in France and South America and has only recently come to the United States.
In mesotherapy, the doctor injects medication into the patient’s mesoderm, the layer of connective tissue and fat under the skin. Theoretically, the medications melt the fat. Mesotherapy is used for overall weight loss.
What does the procedure involve?
The chemical formula used in mesotherapy includes enzymes and vitamins. The needle used to administer the injections may be about as fine as a needle used in acupuncture.
The doctor may offer a local anesthetic. Patients who have gone without the anesthetic have reported that the injections cause a mild stinging sensation. The doctor injects the chemical compound into the treatment area, and the procedure time may vary.
The compound causes the molecular bonds between the fat cells to dissolve and thus converts the fat from solid to liquid. The body’s waste-filtration organs like the intestines and the liver then remove the liquefied fat. The process takes several weeks to produce results.
Most patients undergoing mesotherapy experience quick recoveries and can resume their normal activities right after a treatment session. Some doctors may recommend that the patient have somebody drive them home.
Many patients have a burning sensation at the injection sites for about an hour after treatment. The treatment sites may also be tender, swollen or bruised for a day or two after the injections. Some of the more common side effects of mesotherapy include dizziness, fever or nausea.
How should the patient prepare?
Anybody wanting mesotherapy should consult with a professional. The doctor will examine the desired target areas and give an estimate of the number of needed treatment sessions and the number of injections per session. Most people may need several sessions to get the desired results.
On the day of the treatment, the patient should drink plenty of water and not skip any meals to reduce the likelihood of bruising.
Who is not a good candidate for mesotherapy?
Since the procedure can only remove small to medium fat deposits, people who are not near their ideal weight may not be good candidates. People with diabetes or thyroid problems should not undergo mesotherapy because their conditions can increase the risk of complications or even make the treatment ineffective.
Schedule a Consultation
To find out if mesotherapy is right for you, contact Chernoff Cosmetic Surgery today.