A lot of people talk about how powerful a person’s eyes can be. And it’s true. If a person has striking eyes, they can capture the attention of everyone in a room. However, the truth is that if you have very thin lips, even the most dramatic eyes won’t keep people’s attention for long. Full, voluminous lips can draw as much attention as the eyes. For those who want to increase the fullness of their lips, they can now choose Juvederm VOLBELLA® to achieve them.
There are a lot of reasons why people have less than full lips. These reasons range from the natural loss of moisture in the lips as a result of aging to deflated lips that come from smoking to simple genetics.
When you lose the volume of your lips, your entire smile changes. If you have lost the volume in your lips as a result of aging, look at a photograph of yourself smiling when you were younger. Your bottom lip was likely fuller, so you could not see your bottom teeth. Because of the plumpness and the raised position of your upper lip, you could see just a little bit of your top teeth. It is likely that if you have lost volume in your lips, just the opposite is the case today.
There are some tricks that you can do with makeup to help your lips appear to be fuller, but makeup can only do so much. This is where products like Juvederm VOLBELLA® come into the picture. VOLBELLA® is a dermal filler that provides amazingly natural-looking results. It is designed to give your lips back the full appearance that you had before you started to lose volume.
VOLBELLA® uses hyaluronic acid to produce its results. The interesting thing about VOLBELLA® is that it is formulated to be a little bit different than other dermal fillers, even those produced by Juvederm. As a result of this unique formula, VOLBELLA® does not hold onto as much water as other dermal fillers do. This means that your lips will look full after injections without making them look swollen or puffy. Instead, you’re left with lips that look naturally fuller.
What makes VOLBELLA® so powerful is that it can produce results that last for up to 12 months. Since it is made from hyaluronic acid, which is naturally produced in the body, the risk of having an allergic reaction is almost nonexistent.
Get the beautiful and full lips you want by taking advantage of lip augmentation with Juvederm VOLBELLA®. This is just one of the many popular dermal fillers provided by Dr. Chernoff and his experienced team at Chernoff Cosmetic Surgery. For our California patients, we provide this product and many other services at our Indianapolis, Beverly Hills, and Newport Beach locations. We are also pleased to serve patients in Indianapolis. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and learn more about lip enhancement with VOLBELLA®.