Sculpt Your Body With Liposuction

Many men and women who are troubled by stubborn fat deposits that don’t respond to a diet, healthy lifestyle, and regular exercise can benefit from liposuction with Dr. Greg Chernoff at Chernoff Cosmetic Surgery in Indianapolis. He's has helped thousands of patients safely and effectively shape and contour their bodies with the precise removal of their excess body fat.

What Is Liposuction?

The benefits of liposuction are well-known as countless men and women have undergone a liposuction procedure to help them improve their body contour. The benefits of liposuction include:

  • Permanent fat reduction results (provided you maintain a healthy lifestyle)
  • Targeted body contouring and shaping
  • Safe and effective treatment

A major benefit of liposuction is that the fat deposit removal is permanent. Once those fat cells have been removed, they cannot return.

How Is Liposuction Performed?

Dr. Chernoff will insert a suction tube through tiny incisions placed in inconspicuous locations on the skin where the excess fat deposits are located. With a high-pressure vacuum, sometimes utilizing an external ultrasound source or an ultrasound cannula, fat cells are extracted through the tube.

Dr. Chernoff uses a specialized liposuction technique that sculpts the body to provide a blended and natural look. The result is a re-sculpting of bulging areas into a more shapely appearance.

Dr. Chernoff’s specific lipo sculpting techniques for various areas of the body are described below.


Abdomen & Love Handles Liposuction

Both the upper and lower abdominal areas can be treated with liposuction, and the procedure is sometimes performed in conjunction with abdominoplasty (the removal of excess skin folds around the lower abdomen). The lower abdomen is a particularly suitable site for targeted fat removal, as the fat in this area is soft and easily removed.

Men, in particular, are prone to a buildup of fat in this area resulting in “beer bellies” and “love handles”. Liposuction results are extremely impressive, giving patients a much smoother body outline in close-fitting clothes, sportswear, and swimsuits.


Buttocks Liposuction

Excess fat in this area is a common female problem and is often influenced by hormonal factors. The downward force that fat in this area exerts is often responsible for “saddle bags” or “Jodhpur thighs”. Considerable improvement in overall shape can be achieved with liposuction in this area.


Lower Chin Liposuction

Removal of fat in the lower chin area is very commonly performed in conjunction with a facelift, neck lift, Ellevate, or chin implants. When performed with a chin implant, this has had the name ‘weekend face lift’ given to it.

While this can quickly improve the contours of this region, it is rare that it simply takes a weekend to heal from this procedure. In patients with good skin elasticity, the treatment can be used to bring about a noticeable improvement in the neck/skin profile.

Pressure bandages are usually applied for seven days postoperatively to aid skin contraction and support the wound site.


Thigh Liposuction

Excess fat on the thighs is notoriously resistant to both diet and exercise. The thighs are usually the last area of the body to reduce in size no matter how successfully you lose weight over the rest of your body.

Excess fat on the inner thighs can cause uncomfortable chafing and sometimes make finding clothes that fit well is difficult. Spot fat removal is an effective way of treating these areas, permanently removing unwanted fat and restoring normal body proportions.


Male Breasts Liposuction (Gynecomastia)

This embarrassing and often distressing condition can be addressed with liposuction. Excess fat, giving the appearance of a male breast, is permanently removed, restoring the body to a more masculine physique.


Arms & Bra Fat

The stubborn fat on your upper arms can be easily removed with liposuction. Additionally, some women have fat accumulation where the arm meets, and shoulder, and where the top of the arm meets the back.

This is called “bra fat” and can also be removed with liposuction.


Are You a Candidate for Liposuction in Indianpolis?

Liposuction surgery is performed to remove unwanted, localized deposits of fat cells from the body. The procedure is meant for body contouring. It is not a weight loss procedure or a treatment for obesity.

Dr. Greg Chernoff skillfully sculpts a patient’s body using liposuction. The most common areas for men and women to have liposculpting are the abdomen, arms, bra rolls, buttocks, chin (lower), breast (men), love handles, and thighs.

Patients must first schedule a consultation appointment with a member of our medical staff to determine if they are a candidate for liposuction. While liposuction has helped countless people achieve their ideal bodies, it is important for patients to keep in mind that liposuction is a body sculpting treatment, not a weight loss treatment. Only patients who are otherwise medically healthy qualify for this procedure.

Preparing for Surgery

Prior to any surgical procedure, Dr. Chernoff recommends that all our patients read our "Patient Guide for Plastic Surgery".

The guide explains important points that all patients should think about as they are considering a surgical procedure.